Below is a list of papers to be presented at AMS Louisville by people affiliated with institutions or locations in the chapter. Also included are sessions chaired or organized by AMS-NE members. Please consider providing a summary of any of these sessions/papers so that they can be shared here on the AMS-NE Blog. Please e-mail ams.newengland at gmail dot com with any omissions to this list and/or if you would be interested in "covering" these papers for the AMS-NE Blog. If you are are an AMS-NE member delivering a paper at AMS, we would also welcome a report as well. 11/12 Thursday Afternoon, 2 to 5 p.m. SESSION: Blackface Legacies Henry Stoll (Harvard University), “Peau blanche, masques noirs: Operatic Blackface in Colonial Haiti” SESSION: Decoding Film Music William O’Hara (Harvard University), “Atonality in Monterey: Leonard Rosenman’s Score for East of Eden and the Sound Worlds of Cinematic Modernism” SESSION: Listening Beyond Hearing...
This is the primary website for the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society