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Winter 2014 Meeting: Saturday, March 8 at The Boston Conservatory

Please join us for the Winter meeting of the AMS-NE at The Boston Conservatory.  The meeting will be held in STUDIO 401, located on the 4th floor of the Theater Building at 31 Hemenway Street.**

Given limited and expensive parking options in downtown Boston and Back Bay, it is recommended that you take public transit.  The nearest T-stop is Hynes Convention Center.

We look forward to seeing you there!

9:45-10:15 Refreshments and Registration

Morning Session

10:15 Welcome

10:20  John Dowland and Constructions of Melancholy as Disability in Early Modern England Samantha Bassler (Rutgers University at Newark / Westminster Choir College)

11:00 A Tale of Two Walters: A New Biography of Walter “of Odington” 
Elina Hamilton (Bangor University)

11:40 Memory, Trace, and Expressiveness in Chopin’s Nocturnes 
Adriana Ponce (Illinois Wesleyan University)

12:20-2:00    Lunch Break

2:00-2:30    Business Meeting

Afternoon Session

2:30  Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach and the Metaphorical Voice 
David Schulenberg (Wagner College)

3:10  Adorno, Berg, and Composition with Twelve Tones: Rereading Adorno’s Philosophy of New Music  
Morgan Rich (University of Florida)

3:50  Esoteric Origins: Theosophical Images and Influences in Webern’s op. 29
Beth Abbate (The Boston Conservatory)

4:30 A New Opera Concept: An Identity Quest Mediated by Digital Media and Microtones in
Manfred Stahnke’s Orpheus Kristall 

Navid Bargrizan (University of Florida)

5:10 Refreshments

**PLEASE NOTE: This is a location change from the original mailings and post that were distributed with "Seully Hall" as the location. The meeting will be held in the Theater Building located at 31 Hemenway Street in Studio 401 on the 4th floor. (post updated 3/25/14)


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