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Carpools, Calendars, Meeting Hosts needed!

 CARPOOL INFO FOR MAY 2 Spring Chapter Meeting at Yale

Carpool info was sent out over the chapter mailing list and the chapter Facebook group. If you are interested in carpooling and did not receive either of these notifications, please e-mail ams dot newengland at gmail dot com


If you haven't had a chance to check it out yet, please visit the new Conference Calendar --an attempt to avoid scheduling conflicts between schools and organizations in the New England area and the AMS-NE Chapter. If you are scheduling a musicology-related conference or symposium, please do check out this calendar to avoid conflicts with chapter meetings and other major conferences. Please send any musicology-related events to ams dot newengland at gmail dot com  to be sure that your event is listed on the calendar. You can also view the calendar at the  AMS-NE blog:

We still need hosts for our Fall 2015 and Winter 2016 meetings!!Hosting requires:
  • space to accommodate 40-50 people with typical A/V (playback, projector) and possibly piano 
  • providing light morning and afternoon refreshments
  • putting together a list of restaurants for lunch and providing other local information as needed
If you would be able to host a meeting, please e-mail AMS-NE President Rebecca Marchand: rmarchand at bostonconservatory dot edu

AMS-NE is now on Twitter @AMSNewEng
 For those of you who are inclined toward social media, we now have a Twitter account in addition to our Facebook page. Please follow us @AMSNewEng

 2 May 2015 : Spring 2015 AMS-NE Chapter Meeting at Yale University
October 2015: Fall Chapter Meeting???
February 2016: Winter Chapter Meeting???
8 & 9 April 2016: AMS-NE Joint Meeting with New England Conference of Music Theorists (NECMT) at Massachusetts Institute of Technology


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