What follows is a snapshot of the program for the joint meeting of the AMS-NE and the New England Conference of Music Theorists (NECMT), which includes registration times, papers, and receptions. The full can be found here ). Many thanks to our two program committees and special gratitude goes to Michael Scott Cuthbert for volunteering to help merge the schedules of our two societies and for his work on laying out the joint program. We are also very indebted to Emily Richmond Pollock and Elina Hamilton for their work regarding local arrangements at MIT. Please note that the meeting will be held on Friday-Saturday, 8-9 April at MIT; AMS-NE papers will be heard on Saturday only, but everyone is invited and encouraged to attend the paper sessions and the informal dinner on Friday, to be held at the house of NECMT president, Suzie Clark (please note that this is a change of location). We look forward to seeing you at the meeting! ...
This is the primary website for the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society