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Schafer Memorial Award

Guidelines for The Hollace Anne Schafer Memorial Award 
of the American Musicological Society, New England Chapter

The Hollace Anne Schafer Memorial Award is presented annually for the best scholarly paper read by a graduate student at a meeting of the New England Chapter of the American Musicological Society. The award consists of a monetary prize. The amount of the award is determined annually by the president of the Chapter, in consultation with the secretary-treasurer.

1. Any paper by any eligible graduate student that has been accepted by the chapter program committee and read at a chapter meeting may be considered for the award. Both student members of the New England Chapter and individuals with graduate-students standing at institutions within the chapter are eligible. An individual may receive the award only once.

2. There are no restrictions as to field or methodology; applications in criticism, ethnomusicology, historical musicology, music theory, the history of theory, as well as other approaches, are encouraged. The chapter program chair will provide guidelines to potential candidates at the time of acceptance of their abstract. The guidelines are included in point 3 below.

3. In order to be considered for this award, the complete text of the paper as read, along with relevant accompanying materials, must be submitted, in electronic format, to the chapter president before or, at the latest, two days after the date of the chapter meeting at which the paper is presented. Late submissions will not be considered. These materials should be accompanied by a letter from the student's adviser, department chair, or director of graduate studies confirming the graduate-student status of the applicant as of the date that the paper is to be read.

4. The Award Committee consists of three members of the Program Committee, selected by the president. The identity of the three members will not be made public.

5. The competition will coincide with the academic year. As soon as possible after the final chapter meeting of an academic year (typically the Spring meeting), the Award Committee confers, determines a winner, and reports the decision to the chapter president.

6. The chapter president informs all entrants of the Award Committee's decision promptly, and announces the recipient of the award at the Fall Chapter meeting.


2021 - 2022 Emily Korzeniewski (Yale University)  "Machaut's Notations in Flux: The Chansons of the Remede de Fortune" (delivered at the Spring 2022 online meeting hosted by Yale University)

2019-2020 Samuel Chan (New York University): "Sinophonic Discords: Musical Hatred and the Negotiation of Sonic Difference" (delivered at the Fall 2019 meeting at Amherst College. 

2018-2019 Pallas Riedler (Eastman School of Music): "Freedom, Difference, and the Promise of the Ocean: Maritime 'Otherness' in The Music of the Waters" (delivered at the Winter 2019 meeting of the AMS-NE at Wellesley College)
2018-2019 Neal Warner (University of Arizona) for "Race and Anti-Patriotism in Bernstein's 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." (delivered at the Winter 2019 meeting of the AMS-NE at Wellesley College)

2017-2018 Daniel Fox (CUNY): "The Perceptual Origin of the Sublime in Ligeti's Violin Concerto" (delivered at the Fall 2017 meeting of the AMS-NE at University of New Hampshire)

2016-2017 Eric Elder (Brandeis University): "Surface and Depth: Beneath the Reception of Rudolph Reti's Thematic Process, A Mid-Century Interdisciplinary Theory of Music" (delivered at the Fall 2016 meeting of the AMS-NE at Smith College)

2015-16 Kirill Zikanov (Yale University): "Glinka's Three Models of Instrumental Music" (delivered at the Winter 2016 meeting of the AMS-NE at Hartt School of Music)

2014-15 No award this year

2013-14 Jane Hatter (McGill University): "Plorer, Gemir, Crier: Musical Mourning and the Composer" (delivered at the Spring 2014 meeting of the AMS-NE at Providence College)

2012-13 Hannah Lewis (Harvard University): "Michael Gordon’s Decaying Orchestra: Decasia as Audiovisual Elegy" (delivered at the Winter 2013 meeting of the AMS-NE at Tufts University)

2011-12 Joel Schwindt (Brandeis University): "Monteverdi’s Orfeo (1607): Pulchritude through proportion, and why it mattered to the Accademia degli Invaghiti" (delivered at the Spring 2012 meeting of the AMS-NE at Mt. Holyoke College)


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